Lahore Electricity Company has developed a utility that allows customers to conveniently calculate their electricity bills online.

In the newly introduced “LESCO Bill Calculator 2025,” we provide a comprehensive explanation of all billing details and the process for calculating the LESCO bill for the year 2022. Consumers need only to input specific values into the online LESCO calculator form. By clicking on the provided link to access the LESCO online bill calculator, users will be prompted to enter the required information. The first field requests the selection of the connection type; however, if the consumer is uncertain about their meter or connection, this selection can be skipped.


The second option in the LESCO calculator pertains to the phase of the connection, which is preset to “Single Phase.” The alternative option is “Three Phase.” Most residential consumers typically have single-phase connections, thus they should select the first option for their calculations.

LESCO Bill Calculator 2025

The subsequent field in the electricity bill calculator is for load, which defaults to a value of “0.” This value is not critical if the consumer is unaware of the exact load; they may simply retain the default.

Units Consumed By Lesco Bill

This is the most significant value in the per-unit calculator. It is important to note that when LESCO updates its rates, we will manually adjust the calculator accordingly. Consumers must enter the number of units consumed or an estimated figure, which will then allow the calculator to generate all relevant billing details. The off-peak option should be utilized, as it is intended for single-phase consumers. Other fields will be disabled by default. Users should complete all fields with accurate values if known; however, it is permissible to leave some fields blank, keeping in mind that the units consumed during off-peak hours is a mandatory entry. This will enable the calculation of the total bill.

Using an Excel Sheet to Calculate Your LESCO Bill:

We advise against using Excel for bill calculations due to the frequent changes in rates, which may render your spreadsheet outdated, particularly when fuel adjustments and taxes are modified by NEPRA or the Government of Pakistan. Our system is designed to calculate everything for consumers through this online utility, requiring only the input of the necessary information.

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